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Earn from the operation of support services for ČEPS

Be part of the pillar of the Czech energy industry. Contract with the aggregator for up to 10 years.

We will help you

with turnkey implementation

ČEPS "Czech Electricity Distribution Company" is a company that ensures the operation and management of the electricity grid in the Czech Republic. Its task is to ensure that there is a balance in the network and a balance between production and consumption. As a result of the use of renewable resources in particular, there are frequent fluctuations in the network, and these fluctuations need to be regulated precisely through support services.
Thanks to the change in legislation, it is possible to create electricity sources starting from 1MW. These sources are subsequently certified and put into operation and can immediately create sources of electricity at the point of consumption. Their operators receive monthly lump sums for the readiness of the power plant and energy production.

and the functioning of the necessary services


We create your income. Ask for a price quote for implementation.

ESKO Innovation s.r.o. realizes the construction of power plants for support services on a turnkey basis and thus brings long-term income to its customers. The power plant is built on the technology of diesel generators, which are remotely controlled when needed. We will design the entire implementation, have it approved, build it and put it into operation. Implementation is cost-effective with a guaranteed return for the client.


  • Distribution transmission capacities at the installation site

  • Connection point at the installation site (in the ground or on a pole)

  • Disposition of the substation at the installation site

  • Contract for renting a place

Investment from 1MW capacity in operation

on diesel generators


Payback 24 months

The main benefit resulting from the provision of support services is an increase in the added value of the produced electricity. In other words, in addition to sales for the supply of power energy, you can additionally receive sales for the already mentioned support services provided.


Readiness Payments

Payments for production

Agreement with the aggregator

up to 10 years

The provision of support services, such as a fast-starting 10-minute backup or dispatcher backup, consists in ensuring the ability to load and load the equipment at the command of the dispatcher of the transmission system. The device can therefore provide support services and bring you revenue, even when it is not in operation.

Even stationary equipment can earn!

Settlement process

and related services

Technology placement proposal

Inspection of the implementation site

Mediation of the conclusion of the contract with the Distributor on performance

Mediation of the conclusion of a contract with an aggregator for the operation of the SVR service

Payment of the set-up fee to the Distributor

Landscaping, security, internet and any other minor adjustments

Certification of the factory and handover to the customer

Coordination between the operator, supplier, aggregator and other entities

Services related to the management of the entire project

Project for building authority and ERU, Approval of ERU production plant

Services related to commissioning

General service of diesel generator sets

Regular prophylactic services

Regular prophylactic substation services

Remote monitoring and helpdesk

Standard service SLA

Services related to operation

Supplier of generators company AKSA

Our warehouse in Holland

Examples of Realizations



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